
上海夜生活论坛 >网名名字 > 英文网名 > 人口老龄化带来的问题英语作文 人口老龄化问题的英语作文


  This graph reveals the proportion of the old people who are and over 65 from 1940 to 2040.

  Generally the tendencies of three countries keep up though there are some differences among them. The Japanese old people aged 65 and over account for 5% in 1940 which is the lowest proportion in three countries. The situation will remain till about 2030. After that its proportion has a suddenly rise and exceed the other countries’ proportion. Till 2040, it will reach it peak of 27%.

  The USA old people’s proportion is a little more than the Sweden’s. However this trend was reversed in 1999. After this year, the proportion of Sweden has a sharp rise till 2015 while the USA ‘s proportion remain a steady at the same time. From Joozone.com.

上海夜生活论坛  In summary, before 2000 the proportions of aged people of three countries were remained under 15%. But after 2030, these proportions will exceed 20%.


  Aging of the Population

上海夜生活论坛  Population officials and demographers have much to worry about China’s increasingly aging population. It is estimated that the proportion of people aged 60 or older in China will rise to 11.8 percent in 2020. By the middle of this century, people aged beyond 60 will take up 27.4 percent of the total population — that means one out of every four people will be senior!

  The aging population poses a serious challenge to families and the society. On the one hand, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. On the other hand, aging causes a relative decline in working force. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society will be affected to some extent.

  The rapidity of the population’s aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. There is no doubt that the key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance should be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. What’s more, family care and community-based services should also be encouraged.


  Generally the tendencies of three countries keep up though there are some differences among them. The Japanese old people aged 65 and over account for 5% in 1940 which is the lowest proportion in three countries. The situation will remain till about 2030. After that its proportion has a suddenly rise and exceed the other countries’ proportion. Till 2040, it will reach it peak of 27%.

  The USA old people’s proportion is a little more than the Sweden’s. However this trend was reversed in 1999. After this year, the proportion of Sweden has a sharp rise till 2015 while the USA ‘s proportion remain a steady at the same time. From Joozone.com.

  In summary, before 2000 the proportions of aged people of three countries were remained under 15%. But after 2030, these proportions will exceed 20%.

人口老龄化带来的问题英语作文 人口老龄化问题的英语作文相关文章:上海夜生活论坛







人口老龄化带来的问题英语作文 人口老龄化问题的英语作文



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