
上海夜生活论坛 >日记 > 小学日记 > 关于教师节的英语作文教师节的小学英语作文


上海夜生活论坛  Today is September 10th, teachers' day is 22nd, is a special day.

  In the teachers' day. We will give the teacher a precious gift, I am no exception, I want to use a piece of paper to draw a beautiful greeting card to the teacher.

上海夜生活论坛  Beloved teacher, you are a candle, burning their lights others, you are like a piece of chalk, pass the knowledge to everyone.

上海夜生活论坛  Remember that time, my a maths examination because of carelessness, failed the exam without serious topic, the teacher you didn't criticize me, but I find out the cause of the error, with patiently explain, make my grades had greater progress, thank you in my heart, in math I will do more exercise, regular check, must be thoroughly get rid of carelessness. Attention should be paid to listen in class, improve our studies, the bad habit of break in the clouds.

  As the saying goes: "as long as kung fu deep, iron pestle into a needle." I will be in various branches, never live up to the expectations of teachers and parents to me, do a morality, intelligence and physique, us, fatigue all-round development of students.

  Here, I wish you a happy teachers' day, healthy body, the work is smooth, plum, full of the world!


  Today is a special day, right today is teachers' day on September 10, I had let my mother to accompany me to buy flowers.

上海夜生活论坛  I'm especially excited, just like I am a teacher, waiting for the student sent me flowers. Came to the school gate, where people buy flowers so much that I took mother's HuaTan from coast to coast to HuaTan all don't know what to buy. At this moment, close to one of my HuaTan boss and smiling said to me: "buy is pity." Yes, the teacher of meticulous care, don't we just like my mom? I picked out three, a big red, two pink. Jammed and mother farewell, I came to school, cleaning quickly and sat on a seat, anxiously waiting for the teacher. Ah, the teacher is coming, my hands holding flowers, came to the front of the teacher, excited, said: "teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!" What the teacher to take the flowers and said with a smile: "thanks!" I also put the rest of the flowers for the Chinese teacher and English teacher.

  I finally want to say a word: "teachers, your hard work!"


  Teachers' Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

  Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.











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